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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - poke


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(pokes, poking, poked) 1. If you poke someone or something, you quickly push them with your finger or with a sharp object. Lindy poked him in the ribs. = jab VERB: V n • Poke is also a noun. John smiled at them and gave Richard a playful poke. = prod N-COUNT 2. If you poke one thing into another, you push the first thing into the second thing. He poked his finger into the hole. VERB: V n into n 3. If something pokes out of or through another thing, you can see part of it appearing from behind or underneath the other thing. He saw the dog’s twitching nose poke out of the basket... His fingers poked through the worn tips of his gloves. VERB: V out of n, V through n 4. If you poke your head through an opening or if it pokes through an opening, you push it through, often so that you can see something more easily. Julie tapped on my door and poked her head in... Raymond’s head poked through the doorway. VERB: V n adv/prep, V prep/adv 5. to poke fun at: see fun to poke your nose into something: see nose
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   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French — more at pocket  Date: 13th century  1. chiefly Southern & Midland bag, sack  2.  a. wallet  b. purse  II. verb  (~d; poking)  Etymology: Middle English; akin to Middle Dutch ~n to ~  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a.  (1) prod, jab ~d him in the ribs  (2) to urge or stir by prodding or jabbing ~d and scolded by the old folks — Upton Sinclair  (3) to cause to prod ; thrust ~d a stick at the snake  b.  (1) pierce, stab  (2) to produce by or as if by piercing, stabbing, or jabbing ~ a hole ~d holes in his heavily footnoted argument — David Stoll  c.  (1) hit, punch ~d him in the nose  (2) to deliver (a blow) with the fist  (3) to hit (a blooper) in baseball  2.  a. to cause to project ~d her head out of the window  b. to make (one's way) by poking ~d his way through the ruins  c. to interpose or interject in a meddlesome manner asked him not to ~ his nose into other people's business  intransitive verb  1.  a. to make a prodding, jabbing, or thrusting movement especially repeatedly  b. to strike out at something  2.  a. to look about or through something without system ; rummage poking around in the attic  b. meddle  3. to move or act slowly or aimlessly just ~d around and didn't accomplish much  4. to become stuck out or forward ; protrude  III. noun  Date: circa 1796  1.  a. a quick thrust ; jab  b. a blow with the fist ; punch  2. a projecting brim on the front of a woman's bonnet  3. a cutting remark ; dig  IV. noun  Etymology: perhaps modification of Virginia Algonquian pocone, poughkone puccoon  Date: 1708 ~weed ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. v. & n. --v. 1 (foll. by in, up, down, etc.) a tr. thrust or push with the hand, point of a stick, etc. b intr. be thrust forward. 2 intr. (foll. by at etc.) make thrusts with a stick etc. 3 tr. thrust the end of a finger etc. against. 4 tr. (foll. by in) produce (a hole etc. in a thing) by poking. 5 tr. thrust forward, esp. obtrusively. 6 tr. stir (a fire) with a poker. 7 intr. a (often foll. by about, around) move or act desultorily; potter. b (foll. by about, into) pry; search casually. 8 tr. coarse sl. have sexual intercourse with. 9 tr. (foll. by up) colloq. confine (esp. oneself) in a poky place. --n. 1 the act or an instance of poking. 2 a thrust or nudge. 3 a device fastened on cattle etc. to prevent them breaking through fences. 4 a a projecting brim or front of a woman's bonnet or hat. b (in full poke-bonnet) a bonnet having this. Phrases and idioms poke fun at ridicule, tease. poke one's nose into colloq. pry or intrude into (esp. a person's affairs). Etymology: ME f. MDu. and MLG poken, of unkn. orig. 2. n. dial. a bag or sack. Phrases and idioms buy a pig in a poke see PIG. Etymology: ME f. ONF poke, poque = OF poche: cf. POUCH ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) шуровать (топливо) 2) штыковать (бетонную смесь) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  толчок, шуровать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. толчок, тычок to give smb. a poke in the ribs —- толкнуть кого-л. в бок 2. разг. удар кулаком 3. разгребание углей, шурование poke hole —- тех. шуровочное отверстие to give the fire a poke —- помешать угли 4. преим. ам. разг. лентяй, лодырь; копуша 5. ам. ярмо с шестом 6. тыкать, толкать, пихать to poke smb. in the ribs —- толкнуть кого-л. дружески или многозначительно в бок to poke at with the horns —- бодать (рогами) to poke away —- отпихнуть, оттолкнуть в сторону to poke out —- выпихнуть, вытолкать 7. разг. ударить кулаком 8. совать, всовывать, пихать, засовывать to poke a sweet into smb.'s mouth —- сунуть конфету кому-л. в рот he poked his head through the door —- он просунул голову в дверь 9. протыкать to poke a hole in smth. —- продырявить что-л. to poke a hole in a drum —- проткнуть (пробить) барабан 10. мешать (кочергой); шуровать (уголь в топке) (также poke up) to poke the fire —- мешать кочергой угли в камине (в печке) 11. (также poke out) высовывать; выдвигать (вперед) to poke one's head out of the window —- высунуть голову в окно 12. (также poke out) высовываться; выдвигаться the buildings poke above the trees —- здания возвышаются над деревьями pens and pencils poked out over the top of his jacket pocket —- из верхнего кармана его пиджака торчали ручки и карандаши 13. (также poke out) выковыривать to poke smb.'s eye out —- выбить (выколоть)...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  through проткнуть; The tops of his shoes had worn so thin that his toes were poking through. POKE fun подшучивать над кем-л. (at smb.) POKE out высовывать, высовываться; The animal was in the hole because it left its tail poking out. Poke your nose out (of the window) and see if its still raining. POKE along брести; передвигаться лениво, медленно; The cows were poking along, holding up the traffic. POKE around coll. высматривать, выискивать; любопытствовать; That policeman had no business poking about in our garage without a court order. What was he poking around for? POKE I  1. noun  1) толчок, тычок  2) поля козырьком (у женской шляпы)  3) amer.; coll. лентяй, лодырь; копуша  2. v.  1) совать, пихать, тыкать, толкать (тж. poke in, poke up, poke down, etc.); He poked at the meat with his fork, but it seemed undercooked. He poked the stick in the hole, but no animal came out.  2) протыкать (тж. poke through)  3) мешать (кочергой); шуровать (топку)  4) идти или искать (что-л.) ощупью (тж. poke about, poke around)  5) coll. ударить кулаком - poke about - poke around - poke round - poke along - poke in/into - poke out - poke through - poke up to poke (ones nose) into other peoples business, to poke and pry - совать нос в чужие дела - poke fun - poke ones head II noun dial. мешок POKE up  а) совать, пихать; толкать; The room is cold, poke the fire up a little.  б) coll. запереть, похоронить себя (где-л.); He poked himself up in a dull town. POKE ones head сутулиться POKE round coll. высматривать, выискивать; любопытствовать; That policeman had no business poking about in our garage without a court order. What was he poking...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 v 1 »WITH A FINGER/STICK ETC« to quickly push into something or someone with your finger, a stick, or something pointed  (Andy poked the fish to see if it was still alive. | Be careful with that umbrella, or you'll poke someone in the eye.) 2 »THROUGH A SPACE/HOLE« a) T always + adv/prep to move or push something through a space or opening  (He poked his hands deep into his pockets. | poke your head around the door/through the window etc)  (One of the nurses poked her head around the door.) b) »BE SEEN« if something is poking through or out of something else, you can see part of it but not all of it  (Ella looked at the tiny face poking out of the wool blanket. | Weeds had started poking through the cracks in the path.) 3 poke a hole to make a hole or hollow area in something by pushing something pointed into or through it  (Poke a hole in the dough and form it into a doughnut shape.) 4 poke fun at make fun of someone in an unkind way  (Some of the kids were poking fun at Judy because of the way she dressed.) 5 poke your nose into informal to take an interest or get involved in someone else's private affairs  (I don't want him poking his nose into our marriage.) 6 poke the fire to move coal or wood in a fire with a stick to make it burn better 7 »SEX« slang taboo to have sex with a woman poke around/about phr v BrE informal 1 to look for something by moving a lot of things around  (James began poking about in the cupboard, looking for the sugar.) 2 to try to find out information about other people's private lives, business etc, in a way that annoys them  (I don't want you poking around in my business.) poke at sth phr v to keep pushing something by making repeated movements with something pointed  (He was poking at the dust with his stick, making little patterns.) ~2 n 1 give sb/sth a poke to quickly push your fingers, a stick etc into something or someone  (Vanessa gave me a poke in the ribs.) 2 AmE old-fashioned slang a wallet containing money ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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